I was on my way to UPM yesterday around 11:30AM for a choir practice. I needed to ride an FX from SM North to Taft then; so there, I was the first passenger and I sat at the front, the row where the driver is. Not even a second after, there's this man who asked if he could sit beside me so I said okay. He had this big, scary voice too, trying to sound like he was so manly... then he asked me where I'd go. I know it was actually stupid for me to answer back and tell him my destination, then he said
"Ahh.. Sa Faura". From then on, I just knew there's something fishy going on. I don't know if I were too paranoid though but I know myself well that once I feel something bad would happen, I know it would really be bad or even worse! Talk about ESP.
My ESP's pretty accurate based on my experiences especially during examination/quizzes. Haha (e.g. Whenever I don't feel like studying or wasn't able to study and not feel like worrying a bit, quizzes get cancelled! FTW! :)) Or there was this time when I woke up at 8AM when my Physics class would start at 8:30, I didn't worry much about it and so decided to skip that class and the next thing I know the professor didn't show up at all! So I didn't miss the quiz that day) LOL!Fast forwarding and not putting too much of the details of my perception with regard to the driver and that man I suspected... so I waited for other people to pay their fare. Most of the passengers were heading to Quiapo for the First Friday Mass I guess (Fare is Php30.00) so I thought of the same thing. I paid 30 bucks but didn't tell the driver where I was heading to. I just kept silent. Then there he went! After I paid my fare, he decided to pay his. He was really creepy since he kept on looking everywhere! Really scary... He had a lot of 5 Peso coins with him and he counted 7 of 'em. That was Php35.00 (and is actually the fare going to Padre Faura where I should go) He didn't tell the driver where he was heading to as well, but all along that image of paying 35 bucks was the only thing in my mind. MAYBE MY ESP'S FOR REAL. So I know right? I was really paranoid; nonetheless maybe you can't blame me for being like that since I was making sure that nothing would happen to me and hopefully get to Faura safely. :s
So I was already determined to say
"Para" for the FX to stop.
(Okay that sounded like Dora the Explorer haha!) I just waited a couple of minutes and decided to stop at Rotonda, before EspaƱa. He actually was resistant to open the door though! Hmmm... So there, I was able to get out of that FX and felt relieved after. Thank goodness!
So yea, just want to share this to y'all. Let's keep ourselves safe always! :] Sometimes, it's okay to exaggerate things if we know it's for our safety. Instincts can save you.