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Summing Up My 2nd Semester

Thinking about how the past semester turned my life into shambles and seeing myself now that I survived it, I'm really happy and at the same time proud of myself. It's an achievement every college student would love to feel every end of the semester, I believe. So cheers to our hard work!  :D Reflecting on this made me realize that there were only two events that highlighted my semester. One is my appreciation for invertebrates; second is social dancing.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Carteriospongia foliascens (sponge)"][/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Antipathes sp. (cnidarian)"]Antipathes sp.[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Oliva sp. (mollusk)"]Oliva sp.[/caption]

These are three from the eleven phyla we studied whole-heartedly and in-detail for the past semester -- Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria, and Phylum Molluska. These are the three phyla I'm most inspired with that I almost wanted a home with architectural designs patterned to them! :)) Sometimes I imagine things not so realistic, eh?  They are from the phyla where Spongebob, the jellyfishes he catches in the playground and his pet Gary belong, respectively. LOL Sponegbob Squarepants show is like the epitome of invertebrate zoology, I tell you! HAHA

Lastly, social dance! I grew up loving dancing and I just like the feeling of burning fat! HAHA So here's a video of our social dance finals. We were fortunate to win the said dance showdown. All thanks to my fellow mates who were so dedicated in polishing the dance steps and all! I'm the one in a red dress.

Until next time! ♥

My Personal Domain - Reborn

Hi everyone! I'm now back to blogging after a couple of weeks of not getting the chance to blog due to Babyroxy.Luv.Ph's consecutive down-times. I had no choice but to abandon it anyway, so I decided to renew my personal domain - SG.Com! :) I'm open for link exchanges, friends. Just contact me, alright? ^^